Helping people. Changing lives.

51 Broad Street, Lyons NY / 315.333.4155
Learning Enrichment After-School
Program Supports
Director: McKenna Middlebrook // 315-879-9280
Administrator: Stacey DeGroff // 315-573-1236
LEAPS is a New York State grant-funded Before and After School program to provide before and after school care for students in grades UPK-2nd in the school districts of Red Creek and Sodus.
As we are preparing to begin our journey with our LEAPS program, we will be serving exclusively the UPK grades in these districts to fully support the families in need in these communities.
The services that we will provide are STEAM activities, outside time, social-emotional development support, and further educational assistance. LEAPS also offers monthly Saturday events, which will offer activities and healthy snacks for the students and parents. Guest speakers and workshops will also be provided to enhance the Family Engagement for each family.
The LEAPS program also encourages parent involvement and engagement within the program.
Reserve your child’s spot today! We are currently enrolling UPK students in Sodus and Red Creek School Districts.
Red Creek morning session: 7:30 am - 8:40 am
Sodus afternoon care: 3:00 pm - 5:25 pm